Total Depravity
The holy Creator has redeemed us. The depraved become like Jesus, holy sons and daughters of God.
Sinners’ hearts are “deceitful” and “desperately sick,” their deeds never wholly good. Seeming goodness suffers from a subterranean subterfuge. This means not that everything you do is 100 percent evil but that nothing you do is 100 percent pure. In the eyes of God, incomplete holiness is unholiness. Mixed motives are not pure motives. Partial... Continue Reading
“No Little People, No Little Places”: Francis Schaeffer’s Vision of Faithfulness
May God be pleased that we serve faithfully wherever He has us.
The church (regenerate persons) is, in the new covenant, the people of God. One biblical image or metaphor for the church, or the people of God, is that we are the “temple”—the “temple of the holy spirit” (1 Cor. 6:19). Would not then pastoral ministry—whether in Toone, Tennessee, or in Willow, Alaska, or in Manhattan,... Continue Reading
Why Five Points?
God sincerely calls everyone through the gospel to believe, promising salvation to all without distinction who answer this call through faith and repentance.
Of the five points of doctrine summarized in the canons, the second is given the briefest treatment. In the opening articles of this second point, the canons affirm that the only possible way for sinful human beings to escape the condemnation and death that their sins deserve lies in the atoning work of Jesus Christ... Continue Reading
As the Outer Is Peeled Away
As more and more layers of strength and health have been peeled away, the beauty and the glory within have shone all the brighter—the glory of God displayed in the beauty of a sanctified life, the beauty of a submitted heart, the beauty of a satisfied soul.
Parting that great curtain you walk into the Holy of Holies and gasp at the beauty of the Ark of the Covenant with the ornately carved cherubim stretching out their wings over the mercy seat. This room is beautifully ornate, every surface made of either precious gold or exquisite cloth. Best of all, the glory... Continue Reading
Why the HR Mindset Can’t Condemn Genocide
Being different is essential for Christians today. In being examples of how we love our neighbors, we offer the only true hope to the anti-human oppressor-oppressed matrix.
If you start with the oppressor-oppressed worldview and then add the proceduralism of the HR mindset, you end up with the modern organizational leader, exemplified by the elite university president. They don’t have the moral authority to lead or educate the “children without chests.” The best they can do is establish a new policy, such... Continue Reading
My Rejoinder to Kevin DeYoung
Kevin worked hard to be even-handed, but he was so even-handed that he diluted the force of his subsequent critique.
You don’t get to launch a critique like this one, designed to make a lot of good-hearted people think twice about their attraction to the Moscow Mood, and then with a flourish refuse to take questions, or to be too busy for replies. You can’t launch an attack and then call for a cease fire.... Continue Reading
Incarnation, Archibald Alexander
God was glorified by the birth of this child, because by this event, the truth and faithfulness of God were clearly manifested.
Though wisdom is gloriously illustrated in the incarnation, love and mercy are not less conspicuous. Indeed, we must consider love as the first mover in this stupendous plan of salvation. Wisdom and power are exerted to open a way in which divine mercy may have a vent. Mercy cannot be exercised at the expense of... Continue Reading
The Rapture
Regardless of what we believe about the timing of the rapture, we need to have a balanced attitude toward the second coming of Christ.
In Revelation chapter seven, the saints are sealed with the seal of the living God. In Revelation chapter nine, the locusts from the abyss with the power of scorpions are commanded to harm only those people who do not have the seal of God on their forehead. Dr. Jeremiah says that God has to remove... Continue Reading
Machen on the Church
The house of God and the gate of heaven.
Is there no refuge from strife? Is there no place of refreshing where a man can prepare for the battle of life? Is there no place where two or three can gather in Jesus’ name, to forget for the moment all those things that divide nation from nation and race from race, to forget human... Continue Reading
The Sovereign Rule of Our Priestly King
In His providence, He oversees the affairs of men with perfect purpose, and in His grace, He has sent a Savior who will build a kingdom of perfect peace!
Jesus was often referred to as the Branch (Is 4:2; 11:1; Jer 23:5; 33:15; Zech 3:8). In this prophecy, we are reminded that He will build the temple of God. This reference is not to the physical temple but to the ultimate temple, which is His church. He will serve as our priest, “forever making... Continue Reading
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