Does the Old Testament Really Point to Jesus? Jesus Thought So
Jesus would have us read the Old Testament in a way that brings us to him.
Jesus taught his disciples to read the Old Testament in a new way; not by changing the meaning of the Old Testament, but by showing them how he genuinely and truly completes the story of the Old Testament. As a result, we can’t understand either the Old Testament or Jesus without looking at both. First,... Continue Reading
“I’m a Cultural Christian”, Says Richard Dawkins
We can only eat the fruit of Christianity for so long before the season runs out.
Richard Dawkins is admiring and eating the fruit of Christianity. He is happily tasting the sweetness and embracing the aromas and feeling the textures of the fruit, but he still denies the reality of the living tree from which the fruit has grown. The tree is no more dead or invisible than is the fruit... Continue Reading
Random Thoughts on Being a Dad
While you may wistfully remember the days when your children were young and in your home, being a father to grown children is a blessing all its own.
Being a dad will teach you a lot about the fatherhood of God. It will teach you about your own folly and God’s wisdom; it will teach you about your own sin and God’s forgiveness; it will teach you about your own disobedience and God’s unbreakable love. Every now and again I jot down... Continue Reading
Easter: International Day of Christ’s Visibility
The light has already escaped. And the darkness will not overcome it.
For the determined unbeliever, sheer denial of God isn’t enough. They must insist on defiling even the memory of God. It’s why Nero must not only invade the temple, he must sacrifice a pig to Zeus. It’s why Mark Studdock must not just be forced to deny God, but to “trample on [the crucifix] and... Continue Reading
Seven Arguments against Weekly Communion—Refuted
The Lord’s Supper is instituted by Christ himself and the church is commanded to keep it.
What we very often sorely lack in modern America, and which earlier generations had much more of, is precisely fellowship and communion. It might be worth considering whether in our cultural setting, a long sermon ought to partially give way to a sanctifying communal practice like the Lord’s Supper, which perhaps should be more fellowship-oriented... Continue Reading
A Queer Book
We face a future conflict between the pagan gods and the true God, as in Roman times and many other such times.
As Christians we must ask what the future holds. At the end of the Sixties Revolution, Jungian psychologist and Gnostic spiritualist, June Singer, wrote a 1997 book ‘Androgyny: Towards a New Sexuality’. At the end of the Sixties Revolution, she saw and affirmed that the spiritual age of Aquarius was also the age of “androgyny”... Continue Reading
Death, Thou Shalt Die
Our Saviour Jesus is the resurrection and the life.
What kind of man could command death and make death unclench its cold claws off Lazarus? Only the creator of the world. The raising of Lazarus offers Christians a glimpse into the future where at his return, Christ will raise from the dead all who have slept in hope of his coming. Why did... Continue Reading
What Are the “Keys of the Kingdom”? — Matthew 16:19
The church is God’s agent on earth in this age to preach the gospel and administer Christian discipline.
The preaching of the gospel proclaims Christ’s kingdom has come to us, opening the hearts and minds of those who hear it to the glory of Christ and the good news of his salvation. On the other hand, binding something is to close it. In the context of Christ’s kingdom, it is to close the... Continue Reading
The Untold Story behind the Hymn ‘Man of Sorrows’
May God grant us the same resolve to point others to the One whose name is above every name.
“Man of Sorrows” was the last hymn Ira Sankey ever heard Bliss sing. Bliss’s name is on the top left and right of this hymn. The words and the tune came from him. The focus, however, is entirely on Jesus. A local ministry recently gifted me a book—Man of Sorrows, King of Glory: What... Continue Reading
Scotland’s New Hate Crime Law Is No Laughing Matter
‘Equality before the law’, that’s just so old-fashioned! Now we have the State creating a two-tier justice system where some groups are afforded ‘protected’ status and others are attacked.
This Act will pervade through all of Scottish society. Even children are to be targeted. School handbooks now explain that all hate crimes should be reported to the police. Journalist Jim Spence wrote in the Courier that Scotland is about to become a “two-tier society” where “some folk are given protection by the law from... Continue Reading
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