Fathers Discipling Children
Be intentional in both formal and informal contexts to help your kids see and savor the bigness and goodness of God in all things.
Not only do my wife and I instruct our kids in godliness at designated times, as we ourselves increase in our own walk with Christ we are trying to be mindful to make a radical God-centeredness the point of all of our lives––whether we sit, walk, lie down, or rise (Deut. 6:7). All things come... Continue Reading
Hurt Feelings, Conscience, and Freedom – Part 1
The First Amendment protects even the most offensive speech.
Among the many amicus briefs offered to the Supreme Court, likely the best at answering the claim of stigma mitigation against the constitutional right to free speech was offered by Robert George, professor of law at Princeton University. George compellingly shows that principles established by the Supreme Court recognize the constitutional right to free speech cannot be curtailed... Continue Reading
3 Things a Christian Should Consider Before Serving in the Military
Give careful thought, prayer, and preparation if you decide to serve in the military.
I would want to tell a young person, yes, you can pursue a career in the military, but you need to be prepared to say no when everyone else is telling you to say yes. Would you cease to participate in war crimes at the risk of alienating your comrades, at the risk of your... Continue Reading
The Moral Outrage Game
Consider two recent examples that demonstrate whose moral outrage actually governs the interpretation of the law.
It appears that our most bitter political divisions are over what we all truly should consider morally outrageous. This fact helps reveal the artificiality of the political posture of late-stage liberalism: we can’t help but feel morally outraged by the breaking of certain laws because they touch on loyalties that transcend the laws. This fact... Continue Reading
Ruling Elder Renaissance
The late increase in ruling elder participation is a fitting tribute to the founders of the PCA.
The founders of the PCA viewed ruling elders as a reliable, commonsense bulwark against doctrinal and denominational decline. The founders were not insensible to the fact that teaching elder professors and influential large-church pastors had presided over the liberalization of the old Southern mainline church from whence the PCA came. The recently-concluded 50th Presbyterian... Continue Reading
Why Did Jesus Die? Propitiation and the Wrath of God
The gospel is not “Become a better you,” or “Be a good citizen,” or “Be a loving neighbor.”
When we sin, we remind ourselves that standing with us before the Father is Jesus Christ. Jesus accomplished a perfect righteousness in our place and died on a cross, bearing the full weight of the wrath of God for us. Our total trust, our total reliance, and our total dependence are not in any notion... Continue Reading
The Forgotten Side of Sanctification
Because of our union with Christ, His sanctification becomes our sanctification.
The doctrine of positional sanctification teaches that we are already perfect in the perfectly holy One. While our progressive sanctification is very imperfect in this life, we are assured that God will bring to completion what He began in us because the Son of God became the perfectly sanctified One for us. In Hebrews 7:28 we are told... Continue Reading
Chests Without Men
"The Abolition of Man" today.
It does not seem to me that the current condition in Western eduction is one of emotional suppression and psychological reductionism. Instead, the entire legitimacy of educational insitutions themselves is now up for grabs. Why? Because those institutions are no longer presumed to have a right to cut across the emotional autonomy of their students. ... Continue Reading
Christianity & Progressivism: A Pastor’s Perspective
Cultural transformation is not the mission of the Church it is a desired consequence.
Progressive Christianity, at this moment, is not proposing to change the Evangelical and Reformed Confessions. It simply ignores them or claims to affirm them while twisting their meaning with interpretive gymnastics. How? By something that places Progressive Christianity like Liberal Christianity as an insidious adversary of Biblical Christianity: Confessional deception. Why are venerable Evangelical... Continue Reading
Charles Colson and the Cultural Commission
Yes we should be engaging with our culture.
The original marching orders given to Adam and Eve still apply to us, even though the Fall has twisted things greatly. The church has been losing big time not only because it has failed to take the Great Commission seriously, but also the Cultural Commission. All Christians know about the Great Commission and most... Continue Reading