“Some leaders seem to have an endless supply of energy, enthusiasm, and passion. Even these super-leaders have to take time to feed themselves. If you fail to do this, you will find yourself depleted and weak. Take the time to do something for yourself—those you lead will be glad, and you will be more effective.”
Through the years, I have come across more than one leader who was stranded on the side of the road, leg entangled in an ugly trap. They were hurt and bleeding, and their leadership was sidelined.
I have listed a few of these hidden traps and have given some advice about how to avoid them. Honestly, I have some scars from being caught in a few of these snares. Maybe I can help you to go around some of these:
Pleasing People
Don’t ever believe that you can make people happy, that you are responsible for the fulfillment of others, or that they can count on you to make life work for them. It’s not true, and trying to do so will only destroy your effectiveness as a leader. It’s okay if not everyone likes you. In fact, unless someone is currently ticked at you, you probably aren’t doing a very good job leading.
Answering to Only One Person
All of us need to be accountable but we need to give account to a multiplicity of people. Submitting to any one person alone creates unhealthy dependencies. Obviously, we all bow to the Father.
Messiah Complex
Unless you can walk on water, you are not Jesus. You are not indispensable. Don’t forget it.
Special Interest Groups
People with an agenda tend to want to force that agenda on you. Don’t let it happen. Stay clear of manipulators who try to attach your name/reputation to their cause.
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