An Assessment of the Presidential Election from A UK Citizen
OK. Let me make three things clear before I start: First, I have no vote! I’m still a subject of Her Majesty, do you see. Second, what I say here has nothing whatsoever to do with party-politics, well, almost nothing. Any ethical issue, for example, will have implications depending on how important it may be... Continue Reading
Hatred and Politics
Politics in America is a contact sport. Passions flare and the rhetoric can get heated and nasty. Political parties stoke these fires, playing on people’s fears as a key fund-raising tactic. Conservative authors have produced books with insulting titles like “If Democrats Had Any Brains, They Would Be Republicans” and “Liberalism is a... Continue Reading
God and Barack Obama
Let me begin with what I hope is a credibility enhancer: For daring to write a book on the faith of Hillary Clinton, I was questioned by fellow conservatives, especially for calling Mrs. Clinton a “lifelong, committed Christian.” In the final chapter of that book, I included a brief section on the faith of... Continue Reading
General Powell’s Endorsement
Many conservatives wonder why retired Army Gen. Colin Powell endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. The quick answer—and the most inadequate one—is that Powell is obliged to endorse the first African-American with a real chance to win the presidency. That answer lacks substance. At any point after retiring from military service, the Republican nomination... Continue Reading