Jezebel and the Cultural Creatives
In the interests of full disclosure, I must expand the information given in NewsCWiPP # 49 (New Progressive Christianity..) The EmergentVillage and “progressive” Christian liberalism are but a drop in the progressive bucket. To their left, “cultural creatives” or “new progressives” are brimming over with an optimistic vision for taking political power. Who are the... Continue Reading
Review of Tolle’s A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose
With EckhartTolle’s book, things become clearer. This is not, like The Secret, a cheap, “self-help” marketing job to make money for Tolle and his patron, Oprah Winfrey (who obviously does not need it). This measured attempt to describe how the New Spirituality meets the very deep needs of the human soul and how this... Continue Reading
A Review of The Secret: Esoteric Secrets No More
A review of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne Esoteric (that is, inner, hidden) spirituality is going public. The official web site of The Secret announces “a new era for humankind,” kick-started by the sale of two million copies since the book’s appearance in November, 2006. The secret kept since Babylonian times is... Continue Reading