Putting Christ Truly In the Holidays
Every Christian household faces the same struggle every year, especially as they look back after New Year’s is over and wonder if their was anything, remotely “Christian” in their observance of the special days from Thanksgiving through Christmas to New Year’s. If you add up the preparation for these days almost six weeks is taken... Continue Reading
Our New Year’s Resolutions—Are They God Honoring?
Each New Year brings with it a time of countless resolutions that believers and unbelievers alike proclaim. There is a something inherently a part of the human spirit that loves the idea of something new: new beginnings, a fresh start, a blank slate, turning the corner, a new day/era/year. You can start a new diet... Continue Reading
The Basics of the Bible: A Curriculum for Children
Children’s Ministry International’s "Bible Building Blocks of the Faith" provides a curriculum that will help us teach our children a number of biblical themes: God, grace, trust, and general biblical knowledge This special curriculum for children is grounded in Scripture, the Reformed faith, and the Westminster Catechism. Based on the Children’s Catechism studies are... Continue Reading
Curriculum to Help Us Celebrate Our Special Days
We celebrate special days where we observe and honor occasions and people that have contributed something to our country and lives. Children Ministry International (CMI) has developed a 3-volume "Holiday Series" that explores special days and seeks to glean biblical meaning in the observance of the days. Some of these days, like Easter, Mother... Continue Reading
Curriculum for Teaching Our Children Godly Character
Whether we acknowledge it or not, we display and teach character traits to our children, peers and just about everyone else every time we act or make a decision. Are we honest? Are we involved in questionable activities, obey traffic laws, IRS laws, or "do not litter" ordinances, etc.? As Christians we desire that... Continue Reading