In announcing their selection of the Dr. Liam Goligher of Duke Street Church, London as their candidate to the congregation for the pulpit at Tenth Pres, the Pulpit Search Committee presented a 12 page booklet to the congregation. That booklet was published on the Blog of Teaching Elder Marion Clerk, Executive Minister, and with his permission, we have extracted several of the pages to provide more information about Dr. Goligher for our readers.
Editor’s Note: With his detailed background on Dr. Goligher, we have revised our initial story, posted yesterday, and left that simply with the information from a blog questionnaire in which he speaks about his preaching in detail.
1. Letter from Dr. Goligher to the Congregation at Tenth Pres:
Dear Friends at Tenth,
I‘m not sure I can remember a time when I wasn‘t aware of Tenth, and my life has been touched by each of the last four ministers. I heard about Donald Gray Barnhouse from my mother and grandmother as they filled my mind with glowing tales of great preachers they had heard. Their passion for preaching influenced my own growing conviction that God had made me too to be a preacher. It also piqued my interest in Barnhouse and I devoured everything of his that I could find.
I first discovered James Montgomery Boice as a college student and suggested to my new girlfriend (Christine) that her parents might give me his new commentary on Philippians for our first Christmas. We actually met the Boice‘s once, in a store in Glasgow, shopping for kilts for their girls. I couldn‘t believe it! I skirted around various displays to ensure it was him before having the courage to introduce myself. He was so gracious and interested. He sent a young preacher home walking on air that day. I only heard him preach once, at the Keswick Convention where he spoke on Romans 1. That one experience was worth the 300 mile round trip.
When we lived in Canada we had Mario DiGangi preach to our church and then entertained him in our home with boisterous kids and Pop Tarts (the only thing we could find to serve him with his coffee). I recall his gracious manner, his perspective on inner city ministry, his encouragement to preach the doctrines of grace, and his moving prayer for us as a family.
Our most recent connection with Tenth grew out of my friendship with Philip Graham Ryken who graciously asked me to preach for three Sundays in 2006 and the rest, as they say, is history. Our visits each subsequent summer have given us a growing affection for the people and the place.
When asked at the beginning of the summer whether we would consider a move from our present sphere we instinctively said that we would not. We felt settled and comfortable living in Richmond and working at Duke Street, with four of our five children living close to us. But using such words as ‘settled‘ or ‘comfortable‘ is a dangerous thing in Christian ministry. Since the summer we have felt an increasing loosening of the roots. Several providences, a conversation with Eric Alexander (who knows both me and Tenth), and a redirection of our own hearts, have served to make us realize that God was calling us to a new sphere of service and as we have prayed we have felt increasingly drawn to Tenth. That impression has settled into a strong conviction of God‘s call in recent weeks.
Tenth has a strategic role to play in serving the kingdom in the city, the nation and the world. Its strong pulpit ministry, its multiple ministries which have earned the respect of many, and the rich resource of its membership spread throughout the region give it a unique opportunity to get the gospel out in ways denied to other churches. I am excited at the possibilities of developing the ministry to Center City residents, to those involved in the arts, medicine, and business and, through ministries of mercy, to the poor and the underclass.
On a visit to Philly recently I joined the first commuters as they arrived to grab their Starbucks on their way to work in the businesses and institutions that are the engine of this great urban center. As I walked the streets and prayed for guidance, I sensed the heart of God for the multitudes that live and work around the city and region. And as I write this letter and reflect on that early morning experience on the streets of
Philadelphia, the words of God to Jonah have come upon me with fresh power: ‘And should not I pity…that great city…?‘
Grace and Peace, Liam and Christine
2. Biographical information
Dr. Liam Goligher was born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland in a Christian family. At the age of 11 he attended an event where a film of the Reverend Billy Graham had a profound impact on his life. He had never before heard a person preach with such passion and conviction, and from that point forward, he knew that God had called him to preach too. On his own initiative he began to study theology from whatever books he could get his hands on. Before long, he realized that he was a Calvinist, though he didn‘t know another living person with similar beliefs, and he was unsure of exactly what to call his beliefs. After College in Glasgow he graduated in Theology from the Irish Baptist Theological College in 1973, and in 2004, he earned his Doctor of Ministry degree from the Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi.
Liam married Christine Nora Hughes in 1972. They have five children (Louise, 1974; Ruth, 1975; David, 1977; Sarah, 1985, Andrew, 1986) and four grandchildren. One daughter lives in northern New Jersey with her husband, who is a pastor of a Presbyterian church.
Since April 2000, Dr. Goligher has served as Senior Minister at Duke Street Church, an independent Reformed evangelical church in West London. During his ministry Duke Street has seen significant growth among young professionals, young families, and in cultural diversity. The number of church employees has also grown from 3 to 15. Through Liam‘s leadership, Duke Street Church began a trainee system and instituted an eldership within the church. He also led the church to adopt the Westminster Confession of Faith and recently directed it through a capital campaign, where the equivalent of $6 million dollars was raised to restore and upgrade the church. Liam preaches both morning services and the evening service.
Duke Street is a metropolitan church that draws its people from a wide area of West London. The church has sought to build a community of believers who are devoted to the making and maturing of fully committed followers of Jesus Christ. The church has a long history with a gospel witness since the middle of the 19th century and began when C.H. Spurgeon sent one of his students to found a new church in the borough of Richmond, London. The website writes of the church‘s legacy: ―Since its earliest days, Duke Street has faithfully maintained its witness to the message of Jesus Christ – in days of spiritual decline and of revival.
Duke Street has had a history of innovation when it comes to getting the Christian message out to the community and the world. This outreach to and engagement with the city of London targets several key areas, including the business community, families, and the homeless. The church has a growing number of young families living near the church, so they have various programs for mothers, children, and youth throughout the week as well as on Sundays.
Liam Goligher has been closely involved in Bible teaching and evangelistic ministry among college students. He has spoken at conventions throughout the world, and he has preached regularly at conferences and churches in the United States. Liam has contributed to more than ten books and authored four, including The Fellowship of the King, (Carlisle, 2003), The Jesus Gospel (Milton Keynes, 2006), and Joseph – The Hidden Hand of God (Fearn, 2008). He has spoken at pastor training conferences in Ireland and Scotland, and his Sunday morning sermon is heard on radio throughout the United Kingdom and through satellite and cable channels.
Liam‘s external ministry involvement includes providing leadership in mercy ministries such as Glasgow Pregnancy Crisis Centre, Esperanza Trust (which seeks to meet material, social and spiritual needs of the poor in Argentina), and Keychange Charity (which serves the poor and homeless in London). Liam is also actively involved in Keswick Ministries, first as a speaker and more recently as a trustee.
3. Why Dr. William (Liam) Goligher: The Nominee’s Candidacy
Responses to Questions on Initial Application and Follow-up Questions:
What is your theology and philosophy of ministry?
My life‘s ambition has been to love and serve Christ by loving and serving his Church by the power of the Spirit to the glory of God. I believe the church should be a biblical, worshipping, caring and serving community of God‘s people.
I believe the church should be a biblical church—one which is committed to the primacy, inerrancy and sufficiency of the revelation of God in Scripture, where the Scriptures are expounded with integrity and relevance, with the goal of equipping the saints and presenting every member mature in Christ.
I believe the church should be a worshiping church— whose people appreciate the privilege and significance of public worship and who gather together as God‘s covenant assembly at his command to meet God and hear his word, a church that frequently and joyfully celebrates the gospel sacraments, that enthusiastically joins in public praise and prayer, who knows God is always in their midst and who come before him in great humility, whose people enrich the worship with their musical skills, and who empress a life of worship in their homes, their weekday vocation and in the common things of life.
I believe the church should be a caring church— whose people reflect the social, racial and cultural diversity around them, exhibiting the unity and diversity of the family of God, whose fellowship is warm and welcoming, and never marred by anger, selfishness, jealousy or pride, whose members love one another fervently from a pure heart, bearing with one another, forgiving one another, bearing one another’s burdens, and stirring one another up to love and good deeds, a church which offers friendship to the lonely, support to the weak, restoration to the fallen, and acceptance to those who are despised and rejected by society, a church which diligently cares for its own but whose love spills over to the world outside in acts of mercy and deeds of compassion, an attractive, infectious, engaging fellowship which reflects the love of God himself.
I believe the church should be a serving church— which has seen Christ as the self-emptying, self-humbling, self-sacrificing Servant and has heard his call to be a servant too, a church which is delivered from self- interest, self-serving and self-importance, and whose member give themselves selflessly to the service of others, whose members leave public worship to go out to love their neighbour and serve the world in their secular vocation and in their daily relationships as those who love our Lord Jesus.
How does God’s people gathering for weekly worship function in the life of the church?
It is possible to describe public worship as covenantal, biblical, and congregational. It is covenantal, for the gathering of God‘s people for weekly worship can be described as the assembly of his people coming together at his command to respond in prayer and praise to his word. Through his word his promises are repeated and we are sent out to serve the world and love our neighbour as those who are in love with King Jesus. Public worship is biblical. The word of God shapes our corporate worship – we read, sing, pray and preach the Bible – and the spoken word is expressed visibly in the gospel sacraments. Public worship is congregational in that the whole people of God sing together to express their praise and to teach one another the things of God.
What is a favorite passage of Scripture which has shaped your view of spiritual leadership?
Perhaps no passage of Scripture speaks more to me about leadership than the story of Christ‘s washing the feet of his disciples‘ in John 13. Behind the outward action of foot-washing there is a spiritual lesson (‘what I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand‘). The washing pointed to a spiritual ministry. The first calling of the Minister of the Word is to serve people with the gospel which will make them clean and restore them to a living relationship with their Lord (‘if I do not wash you, you have no share with me‘). Servant-heartedness and gospel-centeredness are the foundation of effective ministry that brings glory to God.
What do you believe is the greatest challenge people face in global cities today?
London, where I live, is a world class city with 11 million people, which means that wherever someone lives and works they are within reach of more people than live in all of Scotland! As cities have grown, challenges have grown:
Loneliness grows in a crowd, and this is particularly acute among single people in the 35 – 55 age range. Younger people find it hard to make meaningful connections and meet suitable spouses.
Cultural diversity is most apparent in cities. City churches cannot afford the pleasure of being mono-cultural; therefore they have to find creative ways to get the gospel out to the various cultural groups (educational, generational or racial sub-cultures).
Social deprivation is set in a context of urban affluence. The socially deprived can feel marginalized by society and excluded from whole areas of normal life (normal as defined by the stereotypes they see on TV). In cities the poor live shoulder to shoulder with the rich. Poverty, homelessness, racism, and emotional or psychological inadequacy are destructive forces most acutely felt in the city.
People work in the city. An active business community near the church offers an opportunity to provide teaching, training and to do evangelistic work. Academics and students form a distinct category, and for students, particularly, hospitality is a key tool in drawing them into the church. Artists and creative people require tailor- made approaches.
Cities lack a sense of social cohesion. Community is easier to imagine in suburbia or in a small town or city. How does a church build community among city-dwellers? There are many creative answers to that question. With a centrally located facility there is already an opportunity to serve the local business, professional, artistic and resident community by opening its doors, addressing relevant issues, and offering targeted hospitality. It is also vital to be intentional about creating networks of relationships that stretch throughout the region that provide the possibility of fellowship and service.
In cities, churches have the opportunity of expressing Christian unity by working alongside other Christian groups and agencies to advance the gospel and minister to practical needs.
Explain any exceptions that you take to the Westminster Confession of Faith.
I am happy to subscribe without reservation or exception to the Westminster Standards. Throughout my ministry I have sought to teach the Bible within the parameters of the Confession, have been responsible for introducing the Westminster Standards as the subordinate standard of my present congregation, and have taught (a form of) the Catechism to the children. As the last of the great Reformation creeds, it represents the mature expression of Reformed orthodoxy and gives fuller and more precise definition to controversial areas of doctrine. It is unsurpassed for its precision and clarity of expression.
What is your view on Baptism?
I am in full agreement with the Westminster Standards as they speak on baptism. In the NT, baptism has its foundation in circumcision of the OT (Gen.17:10, cp Col.2:11-12). Circumcision was a sign and seal of the forgiveness of sins and sanctification in the covenant of grace. When John the Baptist announced the coming kingdom and forgiveness of sins he baptized with water, which was intended to indicate that God had remembered his covenant. The water of baptism becomes a sacrament through the words of institution, though the Trinitarian formula does not magically turn the water into the blood of Christ, nor does it regenerate. The Holy Spirit is active in baptism as with the ministry of the Word, He is present spiritually and answers to faith. All Christians must be baptized, and baptism should be administered to believers and their children. Baptism is an ordinance of the gospel.
Are you familiar with the PCA Book of Church Order and do you take any exceptions to it?
I am in complete sympathy with the Form of Government and am a Presbyterian by conviction. The Rules of Discipline have been useful to our own elders here in dealing with church issues. The treatment of offences and the outline of process have been invaluable. Meanwhile The Directory for the Worship of God has been of great help. We have used its guidelines in the structuring of worship, in reference to the sacraments and have adopted some of The Forms for Particular Occasions – Marriage Services, Dedication of a Church Building etc.
4. Letter of Reference Excerpts
―Liam Goligher is a clear and faithful Bible teacher with a heart for evangelism and a gift for connecting with people both inside and outside the church. I enjoy his preaching, respect his intellect, love his passion for the city, and feel a deep sense of kinship with his understanding of the role of the pastor as a shepherd and teacher. I feel confident that God can use his ministry to grow Tenth Church, reach Philadelphia, and advance gospel work around the world.
Dr. Philip G. Ryken, President, Wheaton College, and former Senior Minister, Tenth Presbyterian Church
―Without question Liam is an outstanding minister of the gospel, both as preacher and pastor, and has become a dear friend to many of us in the church. We would all as a congregation be very sad indeed to lose him and Christine, but I recognize, of course, that sometimes a call has to be tested and God’s will must be done. If you were to take matters forward with him in respect of a preaching and pastoral role, I would commend Liam and Christine to you absolutely wholeheartedly and without any reservation whatsoever.
Richard Linnell, Chairman, Leadership Group (i.e., Clerk of Session), Duke Street Church
―I have known Liam for over ten years. We have been involved together in quite a number of conferences as well as committees and initiatives in the London area. More than that, we have become very good friends in the course of that time. His gifts and qualities have been recognized over the years, not just in the service he has given to all the churches he has served, but also in the wider ministry he has exercised. He has a very precious ability to preach the Word into the world of our day that connects across the generations.
Mark G. Johnston, Senior Minister, Proclamation Presbyterian Church, Bryn Mawr, PA
―I have known Liam for some 20 years. I have received much from Liam over the years. His teaching ministry is exemplary and he works assiduously to maintain his currentness as a preacher but also his roots in Reformed theology. I have also experienced Liam‘s pastoral ministry at a very deep level when I faced a considerable dark time in my life. He was, quite simply, outstanding.
Dr. John Gibson, personal friend
Read More from the PSC Booklet here:
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