Theology Is One Thing; Character Is Another
Tchividjian and Driscoll both had style and swagger and soundbites -- and little else.
Tchividjian and Driscoll are both products of the way American showbiz aesthetics and values drive so much of the evangelical subculture. Style and swagger and soundbites — and little else. And they both benefited from the fact that nothing immunizes one to accountability in America like success. As long as you are successful, no-one calls... Continue Reading
Historical Precedent for Conscientious Objection to Same-Sex Ceremonies
Our country and legal system has a rich history of conscientious objection.
Other religious accommodations include the legal use of sacramental wine during national prohibition (1920-1933), and the use of the drug peyote in the religious ceremonies of the Native American Church. The latter accommodation, allowed by many states, was disallowed as a constitutional right by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1990, thus moving Congress to enact... Continue Reading
When Judges Judge Unjustly
We are called to entrust ourselves to the One who will judge justly.
Our nation and its well-being are important, yet someday our nation won’t exist. Someday there will be no more United States of America. No more laws, courts or judges. On that day the only thing that will matter is your relation to the Judge. He sent his Son to live the perfect life none of... Continue Reading
Helping Young Children Learn the Heidelberg Catechism
Different tactics to help teach this rich resource.
The Heidelberg Catechism is a real gem. Thoroughly biblical, deeply compassionate, wonderfully comforting – the list could go on. Often times, however, I struggle with teaching it to my kids. Though the answers are rich and wonderful, they are sometimes quite long. Because of this, I have tried some different tactics. When my older... Continue Reading
The Way Jesus Loves
When we are confused by God's love for us... he doesn't cease to be a God of love.
God’s love for us doesn’t mean that he will always give us what we want when we ask for it. He might respond in complete silence. He might not bring healing, provide us the job we want, or make our greatest dream come true. But he always gives us just what we need. As the Gospel Transformation Bible puts... Continue Reading
What Do You Think Happened to the Emerging Church?
Six reasons the Emergent church movement failed.
Its death was announce in the late 2000s by many. Url Scaramanga wrote an R.I.P. on the Emerging Church in 2008, Anthony Bradley wrote a “Farewell to the Emerging Church” in 2010, Susan Gosselin writes that it was an eleven year movement, John Piper said that the emerging church “is a fading reality” in 2010, and even Tony Jones... Continue Reading
That Offends Me!
It is a sin to give offense. But it's also a sin to take offense when none is given.
But there’s another kind of differing believer. Believe me, you will encounter them. They’re the ones who refuse to accept others who make differing judgment calls. Instead, they keep pushing others to conform to their conclusions. They get upset at those who resist. They take offense when no offense is given. Earlier, we saw that it’s... Continue Reading
I Thought Planned Parenthood Protected Family Values
Abortion steals praise from God by denying image-bearers the opportunity to live through and for him.
This was a story of heroism. The woman was a matriarch who knew how to take control of her own womb, a loving mother who knew poverty and starvation were far worse than death before birth. This was also a story of a nation. Our country was advancing in its high regard for women, leaving the barbaric days of back-alley... Continue Reading
How the Church Ministers to Every Member
True ministry is rooted in the offices given by Christ
We downplay the value of this amazing gift, and our need for it, when we call all of our less formal programs and services ministries. Christ, the head, ministers to every member through Word and sacrament: women, men, marrieds, singles, elderly, and children. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t have any separate initiatives for these... Continue Reading
Planned Parenthood and Evil
Recent videos bring a new level of evil to Planned Parenthood.
But Planned Parenthood goes beyond simply participating in the abortion industry. They not only embody the evil of our country’s Moloch worship, but they refine it. I have talked to a few people who don’t understand why many pastors are so angry with Planned Parenthood. There are many companies and doctors that do abortion,... Continue Reading