The Adopting Act of 1729–Revisiting History
"Scruples" of certain portions of the Westminster Confession of Faith were allowed, but severely limited.
Much has been written over the past several years regarding the Adopting Act of 1729 and the idea of “scrupling.” A recent article by Frederick Heuser included a brief overview of the Adopting Act while pondering the various controversies and splits within our history as American Presbyterians. Dr. Jeffrey C. Francis, Sharp Chaplain of the... Continue Reading
“Biblical Education, for the World, For Free’
Published to help get this word out to potential students throughout the world
Can U.S residents watch the videos and take the quizzes and exams found on the CCM website? …Yes, U.S. residents may and are encouraged to view the CCM courses, download the readings and take the quizzes and exams for their own edification. This is also true for people who are not interested in academic credit... Continue Reading
The Obamacare Decision
High court upholds most of healthcare law, ruling the individual mandate penalty a tax
Lawyers who filed lawsuits against the contraceptive mandate…perked up at the court’s comments about the Commerce Clause. Roberts said the individual mandate amount to a “substantial expansion of the government’s power.” At another point he said the federal government could not compel people “to enter commerce precisely when they have chosen not to.” For opponents... Continue Reading
A Justice Paradox
Our justice system cannot bring complete recompense to the victims
But there was justice done once that did more than hold a criminal accountable, which is ironic since it didn’t hold a criminal accountable at all. Instead, justice was done on an innocent man—a sentence of death and an execution for crimes He never committed. Last Friday night was a victorious night for the... Continue Reading
Overview of Book by PCA GA Seminar Speaker on How to Reconcile Evolution and Faith – by Rachel Miller
Dr. Davidson sees no conflict between evolutionary science and Christianity. He accepts the scientific claims for the origin of the universe, the age of the universe, the evolutionary origins and development of life, and the common descent of man from animals. He believes strongly that Young Earth Creation represents both bad science and bad theology.... Continue Reading
A Question of Priorities – by Carl Trueman
You are not to pursue the approval of the world, nor to be particularly surprised or upset when the world consequently withholds such approval. You are called to pursue godliness; and you are to pursue it not simply for your own sake but also for the sake of those entrusted to your care. Editors’ Note:... Continue Reading
Too Big Not to Fail – By Mindy Belz
India’s scandal over sterilizations holds a wider warning about government abuse. The practice is coming to light because Human Rights Law Network and other groups have filed petitions in India’s Supreme Court to halt the sterilization programs. They have provided videotape evidence of the sterilization camps, affidavits from the women’s families, and government documents revealing... Continue Reading
Teaching Pastor to Leave Mars Hill Bible Church – by Lillian Kwon
No departure date has been set as Hipps agreed to continue serving until a new full-time teaching pastor is found. But he already has an idea about his future plans. Along with the release of a book, titled Selling Water by the River, in October, Hipps has another book planned for the following year titled Cats Don’t... Continue Reading
Florida Church Officially Joins ECO – by Jason Reagan
In choosing ECO, Trinity’s session stated the new Reformed body has “much of the same ‘DNA’ (values, beliefs and practices) as the PCUSA at its best, but will be less likely to drift from them because its leaders will agree to a written statement of essential beliefs, which will provide clearly defined boundaries.” After bidding... Continue Reading
Contemporary Worship No Salvation for All – by Mark Wingfield
You can set out to do traditional worship or contemporary worship or jazz worship or Taizé worship or gospel worship. In the end, the style you choose doesn’t matter as much as understanding what resources you have to draw upon. Shakespeare said it succinctly: “To thine own self be true.” That’s one of the secrets of healthy... Continue Reading