Sin, Biology, and Moral Responsibility
Moral transcendence includes three interrelated features that encapsulate the theory of moral responsibility implicit in Scripture.
All sin originates from the heart, the moral center of every person. Everybody is guilty of sinning against God, but the doctrine of original corruption goes deeper. In addition to the inevitability of human sinning, Scripture also witnesses to the fact that we enter this world as sinners, each of us possessing a morally corrupt condition that precedes... Continue Reading
Why We Need Revelation (Revelation 1:1-8)
We need to learn what’s really happening in the world so we can live with God’s blessing.
God, who is sovereign over history, who is self-existent and eternal, who has all power, has a message for us. God himself is pulling back the veil and revealing to us what’s really happening in the world. He wants us to see the world from his perspective. This is what God wants to do. That’s why... Continue Reading
From Baptist to Presbyterian Church Planter
A Story of an Ordinary Means of Grace Ministry
Church is no longer somewhere to go and serve, it is now God’s people gathered together to receive Christ and the benefits of His work of redemption through the means He has established. I now believe when we gather for corporate worship, something happens that doesn’t happen at any other time or in any other... Continue Reading
I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins — The Apostles’ Creed, Article of Faith 10
We all may, and must, seek God’s forgiveness with humble confidence.
Justice demanded that David’s sin be punished, and it was punished in the sacrificial crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus bore David’s sin and condemnation so that David could be forgiven. The wickedness of all who confess their sins and believe in Jesus Christ is forgiven. “His blood makes the foulest clean.” The author of... Continue Reading
Prayer in the Trenches
Prayer in Nehemiah (1)
In this series, we will follow the flow of prayer through the book of Nehemiah and look to apply what we learn to our own work for the sake of the kingdom of God. While in Acts corporate prayer is featured, it is the personal prayer of leadership that we find in Nehemiah. Yet in either case, the object... Continue Reading
The Fruit of the Spirit Is Self-Control: A Disciplined Life
Two words the New Testament uses for self-control refer to (1) leading a disciplined life and (2) thinking about one’s priorities in a healthy, God-honoring way.
The Bible urges us to exercise control over our minds and bodies. We should be deliberate and intentional, and maintain control rather than being controlled and led astray by our passions and desires. What do you and I need to do to get control over that which we currently don’t control? “The fruit of the Spirit... Continue Reading
Want to Be a Better Theologian? Realize Your Idiocy.
Three tips for realizing our idiocy so we may be better theologians.
Great theologians never set out to be the next big name. They set out to make God’s name big. Pursue the true first thing—God’s glory—and you might, but most likely won’t, find some kind of glory in the eyes of men. Pursue self-glory first and you’re guaranteed to miss God’s glory and find your own turned... Continue Reading
Amber Thurman Died Because Of Amber Thurman
Amber Thurman didn’t die because of Christians or Georgia’s pro-life laws. She died because people like MSNBC refuse to tell the truth about the abortion pill.
One of the consequences of taking your baby’s life through the abortion pill is that it might make you lose yours. Therefore if you are abortion-minded, for your baby’s sake—for your own sake, please do not take the abortion pill or pursue any form of abortion. Amber Thurman’s mother says her last words were: “Promise me you’ll... Continue Reading
“Judge Not”
A misused, but necessary, command.
Judge according to the Word of God, yes, but never indulge in self-righteous, hypocritical, hypercritical, prejudiced, merciless judgmentalism. That is never the way of Christ, and it should not be the way of Christians either. Matthew 7:1 is one of the most needed and one of the most abused statements in the Bible. It... Continue Reading
The Doctrine of God and a Pastor’s Ministry
Rather than approaching God merely for what He can do for us, we must learn to love and worship Him for who He is.
By engaging in God-centered preaching and pastoral ministry, we will redirect people’s natural inclination to focus on self and lead them to turn their eyes upward to contemplate and worship a holy, loving, and righteous God. Pastoral ministry is exceedingly demanding and requires us to tackle a large number of tasks, such as preaching,... Continue Reading
Should Christians Be Sad When a Fellow Believer Dies and Goes to Heaven?
Our sorrow over the death of a fellow believer is a grief with hope.
Christians should grieve over the death of a fellow brother or sister in Christ. It is good and right to feel the weight of sorrow when our beloved fellow Christians are taken home. It is not a grief without hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13), but it is a grief, even a “sorrow upon sorrow.” If we are citizens of heaven, awaiting a... Continue Reading
Is Watching Porn a Sin?
What does God have to say about pornography?
As the one who created this world and the people who live within it, God is the one who gets to determine what is a sin and what is not. It doesn’t really matter what you or I believe about it, but it matters an awful lot what God believes about it. I’m so... Continue Reading
Why Are We Scared to Teach Our People Theology?
Why do we think only bible colleges can adequately teach these things to our people?
There is nothing stopping the majority of pastors from teaching basic systematics and biblical theology in their churches. Most could have a reasonable stab at historical theology and ecclesiology too. Assuming they’re able to teach the Bible at all, I’d imagine hermeneutics are going to be there too. One of the great things about... Continue Reading
“Disqualified”: What It Means and How a Pastor Gets There
While having sin exposed is never pleasant, it does always lead to God’s glory being vindicated.
“Disqualified” means is that…conduct, traits, or sins come to light in the elder’s life that are not in keeping with the qualifications, and the elders realize that the person is no longer qualified…When that happens, the person is no longer a pastor or elder. I’m always ultimately thankful when the Lord uncovers things that... Continue Reading
Why Paul Is a Complicated Missionary Model
We must be careful when trying to reconstruct a Pauline approach.
We should note that Paul, writing with apostolic authority, repeatedly instructs churches to imitate him (Philippians 4:9; 1 Thessalonians 1:6). He specifically charges church leaders to follow his pattern of life, both his faithful teaching and his sacrificial suffering (Acts 20:17–35; 2 Timothy 1:8–2:3). In the world of evangelical missions, it’s common to appeal... Continue Reading
The Chief Ends of Man?
How Westminster weds glory and joy.
The emphasis on personal enjoyment of and communion with Christ goes all the way back to the founding of Puritanism itself. William Perkins, the “father of Puritanism” and author of the first Puritan preaching manual, The Art of Prophesying (prophecy being the old Puritan word for preaching), used the analogy of the preachers as bakers,... Continue Reading
Is “Allah” Just Another Word for God?
Just because “Allah” means “God” in Arabic, that doesn’t mean English speakers should use the term.
“Allah” and “Yahweh” refer to fundamentally different conceptions of God. Allah is one God who exists as one person. Yahweh, however, is one God who exists as three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Furthermore, Allah is a transcendent being and is impossible to know in a personal way. Yahweh, by contrast, is not only... Continue Reading
Grumbling – Minister’s Letter August 2024
If I start grumbling stop me.
There must be some psychological explanation but yawning is contagious. It is the same with grumbling and discontentment. It happens in a marriage, in families and certainly in congregations. Sadly a little grumbling goes a long way. Seeing grumbling for what it is helps us. My grumbling is not just against others or circumstances but... Continue Reading
Answering 2 Objections to Sola Scriptura
Tradition is not the inspired Word of God, and when it is made equal to Scripture and the magisterium is put in the role of interpretation, then it is really the magisterium that has ultimate authority.
Despite the numerous different meanings of the word tradition, critics of sola Scriptura sometimes employ any positive instance of this term as though it were speaking of tradition in the sense defined at the council of Trent. But it is specifically that conception of tradition that sola Scriptura opposes— namely, that Scripture and tradition are to be received with equal reverence as... Continue Reading
Preaching the Whole Counsel of God
If the whole counsel of God is to be preached, Christ must be proclaimed from all the Scriptures.
To preach God’s counsel in these ways requires boldness. Paul was humble, but he was also bold: “I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable” (Acts 20:20; see also Acts 20:26–27). The temptation can be to shrink back to maintain popularity, but that was not Paul’s way. Rather he unfolded God’s... Continue Reading
Does Music Have Meaning?
Christians must be discerning about what music they listen to for entertainment, and certainly what music we use in the worship of God.
All people—regardless of gender, ethnicity, culture, or time—are part of the “culture of humanity.” We all share similar physiological, biological, and emotional characteristics such that when music expresses emotion on that level, its meaning is universal. Christians must not fall into the trap of ignoring or even denying universal meaning in music because there are... Continue Reading
How to Protect Ourselves from Satan’s Fiery Darts
He loves us too much to sacrifice eternal joy for present relief from pain.
We will not come to God, if we believe his motive is to deprive us, wound us, or restrict our pleasure. Have you ever known someone who lost a parent through death or divorce and is bitter with God? We must be convinced that God wants what is best for us, or we won’t pursue... Continue Reading
4 Arguments from Scripture in Favor of Biblical Theology
All of Scripture is valuable for showing us the beauty of the gospel.
As we look at how the ending of the Bible story contains pictures that we can gather along the way, we begin to again see an important foundation for biblical theology: the Bible story ends in a way that relates to all of what has come before. There are echoes of Genesis in Revelation, as... Continue Reading
After a Crackdown on Sexuality, Two Dozen CRC Churches Head for the Exits
At its 2024 synod in June, the Christian Reformed Church instructed LGBTQ-affirming congregations to repent and comply with the denomination’s beliefs on sexuality. Some are now choosing to leave.
After waiting to see if the 2023 synod might accommodate churches with different views, Sherman Street Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids led the way to the exit. In its resolution it wrote: “Our policy of full inclusion is settled, as is our determination to allow space for a variety of views and to embrace the resulting... Continue Reading
Beware the Backward Drift
The subject of apostasy is among the most sobering truths in Scripture.
The ultimate hardening of some who at one time professed faith in Christ ought to leave us unsettled in heart. The severity of apostasy is that there is no return. This ought to be felt by those who continue to profess faith in Christ. There will always be Judases among the people of God in... Continue Reading
Alternative Philosophical Views of Reality
The social situatedness of human knowledge allegedly means that God, if he exists, is inaccessible and unknowable.
Roughly speaking, postmodern contextualism has at its heart the twin convictions (1) that claims to human knowledge always come within a linguistic, social, and cultural context, and (2) that this threefold context makes it impossible to know universal, transcendent truths. For the postmodern contextualist, truth is local to a particular culture or society; truth is... Continue Reading
What Is the Mark of the Beast? (Revelation 13)
John says 666 is the number of a man. The number 666, then, represents what is anti-god and antichrist, all that is in opposition to the one true God.
Believers must ready themselves. Some are destined for captivity, and to captivity they will go. Others are destined to be killed by the sword, and so it will be (cf. Jer. 15:2; 43:11). Such events do not mean God has abandoned or forgotten about them; the power of the beast does not suggest God’s sovereign... Continue Reading
More on Shepherds for Sale
Basham’s new book deserves careful reading.
“No one, least of all Christians, should welcome civil war in the Church. But too many Church leaders have grown arrogant due to the rank and file’s reluctance to seem unpleasant or uncharitable by confronting their deceit and manipulation, and a unity based on acceptance of false teaching is a unity of the damned. As... Continue Reading
Let Boys Be Boys
Fragile feminist boymoms misdiagnose the problem.
Wherever you want to lay the blame for the disintegration of male and female relationships—the industrial revolution, the sexual revolution, the tech revolution, the invention of the birth control pill, the legalization of abortion, any moment will do well enough—the point is that women have been trying to redress their grievances without facing the spiritual... Continue Reading
The Bible’s Costly Assumptions About Families
Perhaps the obedience of children has disappeared with the disappearance of togetherness at home?
Parents can only instruct their children “by the way” (Deut 6) if parents and children are in the same place at the same time, a lot of the time. This proximity is what our society is so eager to dissolve and what we easily surrender. Yet it is not just time at home that matters.... Continue Reading